And so, having built the little ship, now I must take her out to meet the wily waters.....
Having spent a couple years building the SCAMP Sailboat "Argo", the construction of which is detailed here, I now undertake to learn how to sail her.
June 2, 2018: I launched the SCAMP Argo today! Said some grace asking for courage and wisdom and charitable decision making for captains and crews, present and future, and gave thanks for the ability and resources to build the boat, and asked that if and when possible, fair winds and good luck would also be great.
Below are videos and photos from the maiden launch and sail.
June 2, 2018: I launched the SCAMP Argo today! Said some grace asking for courage and wisdom and charitable decision making for captains and crews, present and future, and gave thanks for the ability and resources to build the boat, and asked that if and when possible, fair winds and good luck would also be great.
Below are videos and photos from the maiden launch and sail.
Below is a video of water filling the SCAMP Water Ballast Tank: