The SCAMP Sailboat ARGO is fitted with battery powered LED navigation lights from the Norwegian company Navisafe.
I am hoping for a less ominous navigational light than what Starbuck employed above to maintain hope.... With the boat at the completion stage, I found myself ready to select a navigational light system. I read a positive review in Sail Magazine for a navigational light product range from Navisafe, which I opted to use for the navigational lights for the Argo. Details below.
The Navisafe System
- LED, self-contained, battery-powered navigation lights
- Simple, single button control. Pushing the single button cycles the light through many useful lighting options (see below)
- Simple, robust mounting system, which matches Go-Pro cameras ( I don't have a go-pro but I may get one, as it would fit in the same socket as these lights).
- Vertical or horizontal mounting sockets (along with vacuum suction mounts....which look nice, but which I did not consider)
- Strong design, high quality product
Lights I selected for the SCAMP "ARGO"
- One Red/Green bow light which is mounted on the bulkhead at the front of the cabin.
- One stern light: 1. Mounted toward the top of the transom, with white light pointing astern 2. Same light functions as an all-around white light for anchoring.

Here are the Navisafe components I used on the SCAMP. One red/green/white light, one all white light, vertical mounts, and an extension pole for anchor light. I also have a horizontal mount bracket, which I will consider mounting in a good spot for the anchor pole, after I have sailed the boat and gained experience.
SCAMP Sailboat Argo Bow Light

The mounting socket is fastened to the bulkhead with stainless fasteners and is bedded in 3M 4200. Note that there are weep-holes at the bottom of the Navisafe socket to allow water to drain, so I applied 4200 to the mounting holes and the upper half of the mounting socket, the bottom half is free to drain water.
Pressing the button on top of the light will cycle the light through the options below. In my application on the bow of the SCAMP, I will use the function where the red and green are shining at once, but not the white.
SCAMP Sailboat ARGO Stern Light

The stern-light mounting socket is fastened to the transom with stainless fasteners and is bedded in 3M 4200. Note that there are weep-holes at the bottom of the Navisafe socket to allow water to drain, so I applied 4200 to the mounting holes and the upper half of the mounting socket, the bottom half is free to drain water. Here you can see the light is shining backwards but not forwards. Pressing the button on top of the light will cycle it through the light modes below, including the all-around 360deg light which will allow me to use this same light as an anchor light.

Here is the same light and socket, with the extension pole deployed and the light in 360deg mode. I am concerned that this location may not be best for an anchor light location due to potential interference with the boom, so I have an additional mounting socket which I may locate in a different location after I have sailed the boat and have potentially found a better location for the anchor light location.
Pressing the button on top of the white light cycles it through the modes below, along with two in-pictured modes which are: 1)Flashing lights, 2) just four LEDs at 0, 90, 180, 270deg. I will be using this light to shine just backwards when underway sailing, and I will use it as an all-around anchor light.